India Gets Dodgy PPE Gear Too, What About SA? China Putting Lives at Risk as it “Donates” Faulty Medical Gear To Cover up its #CCPVirus Guilt!

National Health Insurance: Medical specialists and doctors threaten to flee overseas

ANC regime’s NHI plan back in the news – according to spokesman it will be wisely implemented – As if the ANC knows what wisely means!

Staatshospitale val uitmekaar weens verouderde infrastruktuur en verkeer in haglike toestande maar ANC-regime gaan eerder R30 miljard gee vir nuttelose NGV

State takeover of academic hospitals is not the answer – Central healthcare clinical and administrative capacity lacking and provinces would be affected adversely

NHI dream is actually a sick and an unaffordable nightmare and built on a foundation of failure and ignorance

SA hospitale word as “dood inrigtings” beskryf en beoogde Nasionale Gesondheidsprogram sal op ’n totale ramp afstuur – gratis mediese sorg vir hele bevolking nie haalbaar

At the end of white-minority rule SA’s Health System under management of ANC-regime is failing and in spotlight ahead of election

Why is it so important to fix primary healthcare so crucial to making South Africa healthier

Here’s a view on what the 2019 budget means for healthcare consumers