The Council on Medical Schemes says the ANC government’s plan to start a National Health Insurance (NHI) is well underway, and the plan has already been advanced to implement phase 3 of the program next year. Continue reading…
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The new National Health Insurance (NHI) that the ANC-regime wants to implement is facing fierce opposition from doctors and medical professionals in the Free State. These medics are currently threatening to go overseas, meanwhile, the Free State DA has also been involved in a fight with Montsent Tsiu, the MEC of Health in the province… Continue reading…
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Die hersiene NGV-wetsontwerp wat Donderdag uitgereik is, dui aan dat belastingbetalers gaan mettertyd moet opdok vir die ANC se beplande Nasionale Gesondheidsversekering (NGV). Volgens die verslag word daar uitgestippel dat persoonlike-inkomstebelasting in die laaste fase van NGV se inwerkingstelling verhoog kan word om daarvoor te betaal. Die wetsontwerp stippel nou dit nou baie duideliker uit.. Continue reading…
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Die bedrag van R30 miljard wat geoormerk is om die nuttelose Nasionale Gesondheidsversekering (NGV) te loods, moet eerder meer effektief gebruik word. Die VF Plus is van mening dat hierdie geld eerder gebruik kan word om sekuriteit te verbeter, aandag te gee aan die herstel en aankoop van toerusting by hospitale en klinieke by die.. Continue reading…
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There have been mounting calls recently for central academic hospitals to be moved into the national governance sphere, allowing the national health department to administer and run these institutions. Even Gauteng premier David Makhura supported the idea in his state of the province address, indicating that Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Hospital, Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Steve.. Continue reading…
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Die regering wil graag ʼn Nasionale Gesondheid-program daar stel sodat die hele bevolking van Suid Afrika, toegang tot gratis mediese sorg kan kry. Die realiteit spreek egter boekdele. Na ‘n onsuksesvolle termyn as Minister van Gesondheid is Aaron Motsoaledi “herontplooi” na ʼn ander sektor van die kabinet. Onder sy heerskappy het 143 pasiënte gesterf in.. Continue reading…
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Voting this year will mark 25 years since the end of apartheid rule, but hopes have been dashed that the new era would produce a modern, accessible public health service. Six psychiatric patients are tied to their beds in two tiny, dimly lit cubicles in the emergency ward of South Africa’s biggest hospital, where the.. Continue reading…
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By some measures – healthy life expectancy, obesity, and depression, among others – South Africa is the unhealthiest country on earth. That’s a sobering fact to consider. How has the country got here? To what extent can its unenviable position be regarded as a failure of primary healthcare? Primary healthcare can refer to the care.. Continue reading…
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National Health Insurance (NHI) is critical to creating a quality functioning healthcare system for all South Africans and it is good to see that Finance Minister Tito Mboweni’s Budget Speech covered areas such as increased funding for certain diseases and improved service delivery in the public sector. Healthcare in South Africa can only work if.. Continue reading…
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The South African government plans to establish a competitive state pharmaceutical company in a bid to ‘de-commodify essential medicine supply to meet patient and national fiscal imperatives’. This was one of the findings in the Presidential Health Summit report which was released to the public last week. The report mandates that this state-owned company should.. Continue reading…
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