Future of SA private healthcare is looking ill

Ontstellende agteruitgang van staatshospitale en mediese sorg fasiliteit tydens ANC bewind

WATCH | Eastern Cape hospital overrun by food-snatching cats

Healthcare in SA appalling – Elderly patients forced to wait 5 days for treatment at Durban hospital

Failing health system in spotlight ahead of vote – psychiatric patients tied to bed in emergency ward of SA’s biggest hospital – is this the guaranteed basic treatment that ANC-regime promised South Africans when it came to power in 1994?

Patient’s nightmare after operation at EL hospital – man lay in faeces, infested with flies

At the end of white-minority rule SA’s Health System under management of ANC-regime is failing and in spotlight ahead of election

Verslag oor swak diens in staatshospitale saamgestel om verantwoordbaarheid in die gesondheidsektor te verhoog

Groot aantal onwettige immigrante wat hulle wend tot Suid-Afrika se mediese dienste plaas geweldige druk op die gesondheidstelsel, maar ANC-regime sê hy het ’n plan!

The ANC Has Finally Pushed South Africans Too Far – South African citizens are #gatvol of this corrupt & deceitful, and uncaring and incompetent ANC Government