Man’s tumour misdiagnosed as a headache at Groote Schuur Hospital – told to take a tablet and go home

Medical facility under investigation after two babies die in mysterious circumstances at Shongwe Hospital, Mpumalanga

Pasiënte mag toilet by die Frere-hospitaal in Oos-Londen net drie keer per dag gebruik

Vacant positions at The Bheki Mlangeni Hospital in Soweto apparently sells for money and sex

High infant death rate in dysfunctional Pelonomi Regional Hospital in Bloemfontein

Omstrede psigiatriese hospitaal in Kimberley wat belastingbetaler R2 miljard gekos het, steeds in onbruik

Limpopo medisyne krisis – hospitale en klinieke sonder die nodige medikasie tog verklaar Cyril dat alles in SA onder beheer is

Fake doctor rapes teen mom at an Eastern Cape hospital just hours after giving birth

Mental health to be ‘outsourced’ in Eastern Cape

Swak higiëne by Thelle Mogoerane-streekhospitaal veroorsak dat babas sterf ná ’n uitbreking van ’n weerstandige Klebsiella-bakterie