Seems like South-Africa’s Health Department has a major cash flow problem – Several Gauteng Doctors, Medical Interns Not Paid January Salaries

Staats pasiënte moet ly omrede mediese staatsdepot in Bloemfontein nie medisyne en mediese toebehore betyds aan hospitale en klinieke kan lewer

‘Horrifying Cruelty By The ANC – South Africans endure pain, suffering and neglect at Robert Sobukwe Hospital

Toestande in staatslykhuis in Bloem ondraaglik – laboratorium disfunksioneel en yskaste werk nie – vrot reuk in die gange van die lykhuis het politici en medialede so byna-byna laat naar word

Nurses allegedly ‘ignored’ pleas for help as mom cradled dead infant after suffering a miscarriage, while nurses pay no attention to her and ate their cereal at Groote Schuur Hospital

One month later and still no surgery for elderly woman who suffered extensive injuries at Limpopo hospital – This is what happen when you cannot afford medical aid and you left in the care of government hospitals!

Nuut gekwalifiseerde verpleërs wat die Gautengse departement van gesondheid weens ’n geldtekort nie van plan was om aan te stel nie, gaan nou wel aangestel word

Doctors get a lifeline as government considers shortening internships from two years to one

Race row erupted in South Africa after recruitment drive for just black doctors – South African officials advertise 100 new doctors, but not for whites

Discovery klaarblyklik meer ingestel is op winsbejag as op dienslewering aan pasiënte – pasiënte wat by sekere hospitale inteken moet nou ‘n ekstra R5000 opdok