Medical aid giant Discovery Health says it is unable to pay for cancer medication a Hermanus father needs to save his life. And it won’t let the client of 14 years upgrade to qualify for the expensive drugs. His family has requested that his name be withheld. His youngest daughter said she felt Discovery was..
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One of the top medical aids in South Africa, Discovery Health, say they are unable to pay for dad’s life-saving cancer medication
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Oues se skokverhoging op Discovery-opsie
Duisende pensioenarisse wat op die Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS) se Keycare Plus-opsie is, moes tot hul skok hoor hul premies styg volgende jaar met sowat 47%. Lede op die KeyCare Plus-opsie betaal premies gegrond op hul maandelikse inkomste. Die skerp premieverhoging raak 139 000 lede wat op die laagste inkomstevlak van KeyCare Plus is…
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Topvyf chroniese siektes waaraan mediese fondse die meeste geld bestee
’n Nuwe siekte het in 2017 kop uitgesteek onder die topvyf chroniese siektes waaraan mediese fondse wat Mediscor se dienste gebruik, die meeste geld bestee. Die gebruik van generiese medisyne pleks van die oorspronklike is nou 59,9%. Bipolêre gemoedsversteuring het asma onder die topvyf vervang. Volgens Mediscor, die bestuurder van farmaseutiese voordele, se jaarlikse verslag..
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‘Beste’ mediese skema wen met eenvoud, waarde
Medihelp is nou die mediese skema waarmee lede die meeste tevrede is. Lede van mediese skemas is egter in die geheel beskou effens minder tevrede met hul produk as ’n jaar gelede. Die tevredenheid van lede van Discovery Health Medical Scheme en van Bonitas het albei gedaal. Dis onder die bevindings van die South African..
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‘Private healthcare not affordable, even for people who are supposedly rich’
The findings of the Competition Commission’s Health Market Inquiry released today reveal what Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi says he already knew – that private healthcare has become so exorbitantly expensive, even those on medical aid can’t afford it. Moreover, the commission found – during its more than four-year-long investigation – that the market was characterised..
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You are paying more for less when it comes to medical aid, does it make sense. Here’s why.
What are your chances of ending up in a hospital? Higher than you’d think if you are a medical aid member in a large city — and the reason reveals some never-before-seen truths about the country’s private healthcare sector.
A lack of competition within the private healthcare market is fuelling an epidemic of overtreatment — and mystery medical bills — in South Africa, the Competition Commission revealed on Thursday.
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Annual Medical Aid Scheme claims expenditure far outstrips inflation by double
Annual medical scheme claims expenditure rose on average by 11.3% a year over the past decade, far faster than consumer price inflation, which increased on average by just 6.1%.
The Discovery Health Medical Scheme (DHMS) data came from its administrator, Discovery Health.
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What’s driving up our healthcare costs?
Discovery Health CEO explains why South Africans are paying higher medical aid premiums than ever before. Access to quality healthcare at an affordable price is a critical priority for every family, and in society at large. South Africans lucky enough to afford private healthcare have rapid and convenient access to some of the best quality..
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