A New Healthcare Plan promises to overhaul South Africa’s massively skewed system

Swak higiëne by Thelle Mogoerane-streekhospitaal veroorsak dat babas sterf ná ’n uitbreking van ’n weerstandige Klebsiella-bakterie

Let’s have a look at 5 things you shouldn’t do to heal a wound

Hospitaal in De Aar word leeg gesteel en gevandaliseer terwyl die departement van gesondheid skynbaar niks daaraan doen nie

Time to develop new malaria drugs before its too late

AI (Artificial Intelligence) doctors and engineers are coming – but they won’t be stealing high-skill jobs

Supply of medicine during strike by Sahpra will continue

Some common skin cancer can signal increased risk of other cancers

‘Beste’ mediese skema wen met eenvoud, waarde

By using the IoT to solve the healthcare puzzle